Best Sleeping Positions While Pregnant

Victoria M Dona
15 Min Read

Pregnancy is a time of joy, anticipation, and, let’s face it, a few discomforts. One of the most common challenges expectant mothers face is finding a comfortable sleeping position. As your body undergoes remarkable changes to accommodate your growing baby, the way you sleep becomes increasingly important for both your well-being and that of your little one.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about sleeping positions during pregnancy. From why they matter to recommended positions, tips for comfort, and expert advice, we’ve got you covered.

Why Sleeping Positions Matter During Pregnancy?

Importance of Comfort and Safety

Your body is working overtime to nurture and support the life growing within you, and getting quality sleep is vital for your health and energy levels. However, as your pregnancy progresses, finding a comfortable sleeping position can become challenging. This is because your expanding belly, changing hormones, and increased weight can all contribute to discomfort and difficulty finding a suitable position.

Impact on Blood Circulation

Beyond comfort, your sleeping position also plays a crucial role in blood circulation, particularly to the uterus and placenta. Optimal blood flow is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to your developing baby, making it vital to prioritize positions that support circulation.

Side Sleeping: The Champion Position

Side sleeping during pregnancy

When it comes to sleeping positions during pregnancy, side sleeping reigns supreme. Doctors and experts unanimously agree that sleeping on your side, particularly on the left side, is the best choice for expectant mothers. Here’s why:

  • Optimal Blood Flow: Side sleeping, especially on the left side, helps improve blood flow to the uterus and placenta, ensuring that your baby receives an ample supply of oxygen and nutrients. This position also facilitates better circulation for you, reducing the risk of swelling and discomfort in your extremities.
  • Relief for Organs: Sleeping on your side helps alleviate pressure on your organs, including your liver and kidneys, allowing them to function optimally despite the added weight of pregnancy.
  • Reduced Risk of Complications: Studies have shown that pregnant women who sleep on their backs or stomachs may have a higher risk of complications such as stillbirth. By contrast, side sleeping has been associated with a lower risk of adverse outcomes, making it the preferred choice for expectant mothers.

Sleeping on Your Left Side: The Ideal Choice

While side sleeping in general is beneficial, sleeping on your left side offers additional advantages. Here’s why it’s considered the ideal choice:

  • Enhanced Blood Flow: Sleeping on your left side maximizes blood flow to the heart, promoting better circulation for both you and your baby. This position helps prevent the compression of major blood vessels, ensuring that oxygen-rich blood reaches your placenta efficiently.
  • Relief for Digestive Issues: If you’re prone to heartburn or acid reflux during pregnancy, sleeping on your left side can help alleviate symptoms by keeping your stomach below your esophagus, reducing the likelihood of gastric acid reflux.

Alternating Sides: Finding Balance

While sleeping exclusively on your left side is ideal, it’s natural to shift positions throughout the night. Alternating between your left and right sides can help prevent discomfort and ensure that both sides of your body receive equal support.

  • Pillow Placement: Placing a pillow between your knees and another beneath your abdomen can help maintain proper alignment and support while sleeping on your side. Experiment with different pillow arrangements to find what works best for you.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels in different positions and adjusts accordingly. If you wake up on your back or right side, don’t worry—simply roll over onto your left side to optimize blood flow and minimize discomfort.

By prioritizing side sleeping, particularly on the left side, you can promote better circulation, alleviate discomfort, and reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy. Now, let’s explore the sleeping positions to avoid.

Avoid These Sleeping Positions

Sleeping on Your Back: Risks and Concerns

During pregnancy, it is recommended to sleep on your side and avoid sleeping on your back, especially as your pregnancy progresses. Here’s why:

  • Pressure on Blood Vessels: When you lie flat on your back, the weight of your growing uterus can compress major blood vessels, including the vena cava, which carries blood from the lower body to the heart. This compression can impede blood flow to your heart and uterus, leading to decreased circulation and potential complications.
  • Increased Risk of Backaches: Sleeping on your back can exacerbate backaches and discomfort, particularly in the later stages of pregnancy, when your uterus is larger and heavier.
  • Higher Risk of Stillbirth: Research suggests that sleeping on your back during the third trimester may be associated with an increased risk of stillbirth. While the exact mechanisms are not fully understood, experts believe that reduced blood flow to the uterus and placenta may play a role in this association.

Sleeping on Your Stomach: Not Feasible

As your pregnancy progresses and your belly expands, sleeping on your stomach becomes increasingly uncomfortable and impractical. Attempting to lie flat on your stomach can exert pressure on your uterus and unborn child, making it an untenable sleeping position for expectant mothers.

  • Risk of Discomfort: Even in the early stages of pregnancy, sleeping on your stomach can cause discomfort and strain on your back and neck. As your belly grows, this discomfort intensifies, making stomach sleeping unfeasible and potentially harmful to you and your baby.
  • Alternative Solutions: If you’re accustomed to sleeping on your stomach, transitioning to side sleeping may take some adjustment. Experiment with different pillow arrangements and supportive positions to find a comfortable alternative that promotes better sleep and well-being.

By avoiding sleeping on your back and stomach, you can minimize the risk of complications and discomfort during pregnancy. Now, let’s explore some tips for achieving comfortable sleep throughout your pregnancy.

Tips for Comfortable Sleep

Pillows as Support Systems

Investing in a pregnancy pillow or using regular pillows strategically can make a significant difference in your sleep quality and comfort. Here are some ways pillows can serve as support systems during pregnancy:

  • Under the Belly: Placing a pillow beneath your abdomen can help relieve pressure on your lower back and pelvis, promoting better alignment and reducing discomfort.
  • Between the Knees: Using a pillow between your knees while side sleeping helps maintain spinal alignment and reduces strain on your hips and lower back.
  • Behind the Back: If you prefer sleeping on your side but find it challenging to stay in position, placing a pillow behind your back can provide additional support and prevent you from rolling onto your back during the night.

Adjusting Bedding and Mattress

Ensuring that your mattress provides adequate support for your changing body is essential for comfortable sleep during pregnancy. Consider the following tips for optimizing your bedding and mattress:

  • Firmness Level: A mattress that is too soft may cause you to sink in uncomfortably, while one that is too firm may create pressure points. Opt for a medium-firm mattress that provides sufficient support without feeling too hard.
  • Mattress Toppers: If your mattress is too firm, adding a mattress topper can provide extra cushioning and contouring, relieving pressure on your joints and promoting better sleep.
  • Pillowtop Mattresses: Pillowtop mattresses offer plush comfort and gentle support, making them an excellent choice for pregnant women who prefer a softer feel.

Experiment with different bedding and mattress options to find the combination that best meets your needs and preferences.

Dealing with Discomfort and Challenges

Navigating Growing Belly Size

As your pregnancy progresses and your belly grows, you may encounter new challenges when it comes to finding a comfortable sleeping position. Here are some tips for navigating the changes in your body:

  • Supportive Pillows: Using pillows to support your belly, back, and knees can alleviate pressure and promote better alignment while sleeping.
  • Adjustable Bed Positions: If you have an adjustable bed or reclining chair, experimenting with different positions can help you find relief from discomfort and pressure on your abdomen.

Managing Pregnancy-related Aches and Pains

Pregnancy can bring about various aches and pains, from backaches to leg cramps and everything in between. Here’s how to manage common discomforts:

  • Gentle Exercise: Engaging in low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga can help alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote better sleep.
  • Heat Therapy: Applying a warm compress or taking a warm bath before bedtime can help relax sore muscles and ease tension, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

By implementing these strategies, you can minimize discomfort and enjoy more restful sleep throughout your pregnancy journey. Now, let’s discuss the importance of consulting with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and support.

Consulting with Your Healthcare Provider

Seeking Professional Guidance

Your healthcare provider is your ultimate resource for personalized guidance and support during pregnancy. Here’s why it’s essential to consult with them regarding your sleeping positions and overall prenatal care:

  • Individualized Recommendations: Every pregnancy is unique, and what works for one expectant mother may not be suitable for another. Your healthcare provider can provide tailored recommendations based on your medical history, current health status, and specific needs.
  • Monitoring for Complications: Your healthcare provider can monitor your pregnancy for any potential complications that may impact your sleep or overall well-being. By staying in regular communication with them, you can address any concerns or issues promptly and effectively.

Addressing Concerns and Questions

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions about your sleeping positions or any other aspect of your pregnancy. Here are some common concerns expectant mothers may have:

Is it safe to sleep on my back during the first trimester?

While sleeping on your back is generally considered safe during the first trimester, it’s advisable to transition to side sleeping as your pregnancy progresses to optimize blood flow to your baby.

What if I wake up on my back during the night?

If you find yourself waking up on your back, simply roll over onto your side to improve circulation and minimize discomfort. Using pillows for support can help you maintain a side sleeping position throughout the night

Do I need to invest in a pregnancy pillow?

While pregnancy pillows can enhance comfort, they’re not a necessity. Regular pillows can be just as effective in providing support during sleep, so use whatever works best for you and your budget.

Is it normal to experience difficulty sleeping during pregnancy?

Yes, many pregnant women experience difficulty sleeping due to various factors, including hormonal changes, physical discomfort, and anxiety. Implementing good sleep hygiene practices and seeking support from your healthcare provider can help improve sleep quality.

By staying informed and seeking guidance from your healthcare provider, you can navigate the challenges of pregnancy with confidence and peace of mind. Remember, your health and the health of your baby are top priorities.


Choosing the right sleeping positions during pregnancy is essential for ensuring both your comfort and the well-being of your baby. By prioritizing side sleeping, particularly on the left side, and implementing supportive measures such as pillows and mattress adjustments, you can enjoy better sleep and peace of mind throughout your pregnancy journey.

Remember to listen to your body, experiment with different positions and support systems, and consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and support. By taking proactive steps to optimize your sleep during pregnancy, you can promote a healthy and restful experience for both you and your baby.

Now, let’s address some frequently asked questions to provide further clarity and assistance to expectant mothers navigating the world of sleeping positions during pregnancy.


  1. American Pregnancy Association:
  2. National Sleep Foundation:
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