10 Ways to Make Your Baby Feel Special

Victoria M Dona
17 Min Read

As parents, one of the most rewarding experiences is making babies feel cherished and loved. Creating a nurturing environment filled with affection is key to fostering a strong bond with your little one. In this blog post, we will explore 10 heartfelt ways to make your baby feel special, ensuring they grow up feeling valued and adored.

Sing to Your Baby

Singing is one of the best ways to make your baby feel loved and special. The simple act of singing helps your baby’s development in a few key ways:

  • It develops listening skills. Babies love to hear their parents’ voices, and singing helps them tune in. The more they listen to your voice, the more it will soothe them.
  • It’s soothing. There’s just something about a lullaby that calms and relaxes babies. The soft, rhythmic melodies are like magic, helping lull them to sleep. Sing a sweet lullaby or two at bedtime to help your little one drift off to dreamland.
  • It connects you. Make up silly songs about your day or what you’re doing and sing them to your baby. Not only will it make your baby laugh and smile, it helps build a bond. Your baby will feel special knowing your songs are just for them.

The simplest way to make your baby feel loved is to sing from your heart. You don’t need perfect pitch or rhythm. Your voice is the most beautiful sound in the world to your little one.

Read to Your Baby

Reading aloud to your baby is one of the best ways to make them feel loved and special. It promotes early language development as your baby hears new words and sounds. The rhythm of reading together helps babies develop listening skills and an awareness of patterns in speech.

Books open up new worlds for your little one and spark their imagination. As you read, point out and name the pictures to help build their vocabulary. Reading fosters creativity and intellectual growth.

Most importantly, sharing story time creates special bonding moments between you and your baby. The physical closeness and eye contact you maintain while reading help form a strong emotional attachment. Your baby feels safe, secure, and cared for. Make reading part of your daily routine so your child associates books with feeling loved. Cuddle up and get lost in a storybook adventure together!

Make Faces at Your Baby

Babies love looking at faces from the time they are born. As their vision develops in the first few months, they become increasingly fascinated by the human face. Making goofy or exaggerated faces at your baby is a great way to capture their attention and elicit smiles and laughter.

Around 2-3 months of age, babies start intentionally mimicking facial expressions. When you stick out your tongue or open your mouth wide, they may try to imitate you. Making faces helps teach babies how to use the muscles in their faces and understand different expressions. It also lets them practice showing emotions.

Go ahead and puff out your cheeks, raise your eyebrows, and cross your eyes to make your little one grin and giggle. Making silly faces shows your baby that their parents are playful and helps strengthen your bond. It’s a simple way to engage and connect with your child while fostering their early communication skills.

Give Your Baby Massages

Give Your Baby Massages

Giving your baby gentle massages is a great way to make them feel loved and special. Touch is incredibly soothing for babies, and skin-to-skin contact helps strengthen the bond between parent and child. Massage also provides many benefits for your baby’s health and development.

Massaging your baby can help them sleep better. The soothing, repetitive motions of massage tell the body it’s time to relax. Many parents find that a calming baby massage before bedtime helps their little one fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.

Massage is also thought to help relieve colic and discomfort from gas or digestive issues. The gentle pressure seems to have a calming effect and may ease your baby’s pain. Slow, rhythmic massage motions can help move gas bubbles through the intestines to provide relief.

Regular massage may also aid your baby’s physical and cognitive development. The sensory input from massage promotes nerve development and brain function. One study found that preterm babies who received massage therapy gained more weight and developed better than infants who did not receive massage.

Set aside some special one-on-one time each day to give your baby a loving massage. Use a gentle baby lotion or oil and keep the motions soft and soothing. Massage is a wonderful way to make your baby feel cared for.

Play Peekaboo

Babies love games like peekaboo because they build anticipation and surprise. When you briefly hide your face and then reappear with a smile and a silly voice, it’s thrilling for a baby. Peekaboo helps teach object permanence – the understanding that things continue to exist even when out of sight. Your baby will eventually learn that when you hide your face, you’re still there.

They just can’t see you for the moment. The excitement and laughter that peekaboo elicits also releases feel-good hormones in your baby’s brain. Laughter is contagious at any age. Seeing your baby giggle with joy will boost your mood as well. Make the most of these early months when your baby is captivated by simple games of peekaboo. It’s one of the first ways you can interact and play together.

Dance with Your Baby

Dancing with your baby is a fun way to help them develop body awareness and listening skills, while creating special bonding moments together.

Hold your baby facing you and gently sway, bounce, and spin to music. Make eye contact and smile as you move together. Babies love watching your facial expressions. Try singing or talking to your baby as you dance. Describe what you’re doing and have fun being silly together.

Dancing helps strengthen your baby’s muscles as they try to move their body with you. It builds body awareness as they experience different positions, rhythms, and tempos. The movement and closeness of dancing together promote healthy development.

Playing a variety of musical styles and sounds can aid your baby’s listening skills. Notice how they react to fast and slow songs. Your baby’s face may light up when they recognize and connect to familiar songs. Dance with scarves or rattles to add visual and audio stimulation.

Most importantly, dancing with your baby creates special moments to deepen your bond. Moving together to music you both enjoy is a wonderful shared experience. Your baby feels loved through your gentle touch and undivided attention. Dancing is a simple way to make your baby feel special.

Talk to Your Baby

Babies start learning language from birth, so it’s important to talk to them from day one. Narrating your day to your baby is a great way to expose them to more words and build their vocabulary. Describe what you’re doing as you go about your daily activities – “Mommy is washing the dishes now. I’m getting all the food off the plates. The water is warm and soapy.”

Responding when your baby comes is another way to build conversation skills. Even though they can’t form words yet, they are trying to communicate with you. When you respond with eye contact, facial expressions, and cooing sounds, you are teaching them the back-and-forth nature of the conversation. Chat with your little one as you change diapers, give baths, eat meals, and play together. The more you engage them, the more their language comprehension will grow.

Take Your Baby Outside

Taking your baby outside provides many benefits for their development and happiness. The fresh air and new sights stimulate their senses as they experience the world around them. Gentle sunshine is also great for providing vitamin D, which supports healthy bone development.

Being outside in nature has been shown to reduce stress for both babies and parents. The change of scenery from indoors provides a calming effect. Going for a walk with your baby in a stroller or carrier allows you both to get some exercise and fresh air.

Look for opportunities to take your baby outside as much as possible, like going to the park or just sitting in your backyard. Pay attention to their mood and you may notice they perk up and appear more content when outside. Not only is it healthy, but it makes them happy too. The sights, sounds, and sensations of the natural world are new to your baby and provide enrichment for their developing mind.

Hold and Cuddle Your Baby

Holding and cuddling your baby is one of the most important ways to make them feel loved and secure. Physical touch releases oxytocin, the “love hormone,” in both babies and parents. This helps promote bonding and emotional development.

Babies have an innate need for physical closeness and affection. Holding your baby skin-to-skin provides warmth, comfort, and security. The gentle pressure and soothing motions of cuddling are calming for babies. Research shows that infants who receive more physical affection tend to cry less and sleep better.

Try holding your baby close throughout the day and night. Carry them in a baby carrier or sling to keep them snuggled up as you go about your day. Cradle them in your arms or lay them on your chest so you can gaze at each other. Sharing these tender, loving moments strengthens your lifelong parental bond.

Celebrate Milestones

Celebrating your baby’s milestones and achievements is a great way to make them feel special and boost their confidence. Here are some ideas:

  • Monthly photoshoots to track growth. Set aside one day each month to take photos of your baby in the same outfit or location. Print and frame the photos to watch how much they change and grow over the first year.
  • Make birthdays and holidays special. Bake a smash cake for their first birthday, let them open presents, and sing to them. For holidays, take festive photos and get them a small gift or outfit.
  • Display their art to boost confidence. Keep their best finger paintings, handprints, and artwork on the fridge, or get them professionally framed. Seeing their creations displayed reinforces that they have talent.

Celebrating important events and milestones will create wonderful memories and let your baby know just how special they are to you.


In conclusion, by following these 10 ways to show your baby love and make them feel special, you can foster a strong and loving bond that will benefit their emotional well-being and development. Remember, a little love goes a long way in making your baby feel cherished and valued.

FAQs about Make Your Baby Feel Special:

1. What is Baby Feel Special?

Baby Feel Special is a comprehensive program designed to enhance the bond between parents and their babies through sensory stimulation, nurturing activities, and emotional connection. It offers a range of resources and techniques to help parents create a nurturing environment that fosters the emotional, cognitive, and physical development of their baby.

2. How can Baby Feel Special benefit, my baby?

Baby Feel Special offers numerous benefits for your baby’s development. By engaging in sensory activities and nurturing interactions provided by the program, your baby can experience enhanced cognitive development, improved emotional regulation, strengthened bond with parents, better sleep patterns, and increased overall well-being. These activities stimulate various senses and promote healthy brain development, laying a strong foundation for future learning and social interactions.

3. When should I start implementing Baby Feel Special activities with my baby?

You can start implementing Baby Feel Special activities with your baby as early as infancy. The program is designed to cater to the developmental needs of babies from birth onwards. Early intervention and consistent engagement with sensory activities and nurturing interactions can have a significant positive impact on your baby’s development, fostering a strong parent-child bond and promoting overall well-being.

4. What types of activities are included in the Baby Feel Special program?

The Baby Feel Special program offers a diverse range of activities tailored to stimulate your baby’s senses and promote bonding with parents. These activities may include gentle massage techniques, skin-to-skin contact, soothing music sessions, sensory play with textured toys, tummy time exercises, baby yoga, and interactive storytelling. Each activity is carefully crafted to provide sensory stimulation, encourage exploration, and strengthen the emotional connection between parents and their baby.

5. Can Baby Feel Special activities be integrated into daily routines?

Yes, Baby Feel Special activities are designed to be seamlessly integrated into your daily routines with your baby. Whether it’s during feeding time, diaper changes, bath time, or playtime, you can incorporate sensory stimulation and nurturing interactions into your everyday activities. Consistency is key to maximizing the benefits of the program, so aim to engage in Baby Feel Special activities regularly throughout the day to create meaningful moments of connection and support your baby’s development.

Remember, your baby is a precious gift that deserves all the love and care in the world. By incorporating these simple yet heartfelt gestures into your daily routine, you are laying the foundation for a strong and loving relationship with your little one.

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