How To Prepare The Mind For Hypnobirthing

Victoria M Dona
9 Min Read

Many events in life can be traumatic. Situations such as a car accident, a sudden death in the family, or a breakup in a relationship can all cause stress. Some types of childbirth can also be considered to be traumatic. This is true for both the mother and their infant. Infants that are born under difficult circumstances may be at higher risk for birth
trauma. This is especially true if forceps were needed to help the baby from the womb. It is also true if the mother needs to have pain medication during labor and delivery. These chemicals can be passed onto the infant.

Likewise, many people believe that a traumatic birth can set the stage for future stress for an infant. They believe it can be followed by a series of lifelong tragedies. They believe a stressful birth can affect the infant’s mental, emotional, and physical condition. As a result of this theory, more peaceful birthing and delivery techniques have been researched and sought after. One such birthing method is called hypnobirthing.

If you are looking for a safe, calm, and peaceful birth experience, hypnobirthing may be the answer you are looking for. Hypnobirthing has been practiced since 1989. The philosophy of hypnobirthing is to help the mother’s mind and body relax so her baby can be born in a peaceful, confident atmosphere. They believe that providing this type of environment will set the stage for the infant to begin their life as a secure, calm individual. They propose that this type of atmosphere also helps the infant bond more easily with their parents. As a result, they suggest that infants have the best chance possible to develop confidence and trust.

Research shows that over half of all traditional live births are rated by their mothers as being “painful”. Some people assume that pain is an expectation before, during, and after childbirth. Unfortunately, the media also contributes to this viewpoint. Television shows portray women screaming in agony while they are in labor and delivery. This stereotype may unknowingly condition women to expect birthing to be a dreaded, painful experience. Is this a correct assumption? What if conditions can be created to provide an atmosphere of peace, tranquility, and comfort?

Proponents of hypnobirthing propose that pain is not normal for labor and delivery. They maintain that pressure or sensation is normal, however, pain is not. With this in mind, they believe that education can help women through natural childbirth 90% of the time. As proof, they point out that natural childbirth is common in underdeveloped countries. In these underprivileged parts of the world, pain medications are not available like they are in places such as the United States. Women in these countries give birth naturally every day.

Further, supporters of hypnobirthing state that when women are afraid of labor they get tense. They also become very anxious. This translates into painful labor and delivery. Conversely, when women are calm, they can relax and give birth easier. The stress-free technique, taught by hypnobirthing, is being embraced by professionals and women all over the world.

When learning the concepts of hypnobirthing, are taught to both of the partners before the birthing experience. When the woman’s partner is familiar with the techniques, they can offer her support, and it helps to share the same birthing philosophy. Part of the training involves viewing training tapes of other couples who have used the hypnobirthing methods during childbirth. Prospective parents can see first-hand what hypnobirthing is like. It is proof that a natural birth experience is a reality.

Anyone who has practiced meditation can understand how mind over matter can be useful to relieve discomfort. When someone meditates, they simply focus on their breathing. Simply breathing long and slow can calm both your body and your mind. Hypnobirthing is very similar to meditation. Through relaxation techniques, and visualizing a calm birth, mothers can relax their bodies. They are still aware of their surroundings but are not afraid. This helps to replace the fear of labor with relaxation. With hypnobirthing, labor, and delivery are viewed as being normal and natural.

The relaxation techniques in hypnobirthing are similar to methods people use with meditation. An example of this is when dental patients meditate to avoid using Novocain for a dental procedure. Another example is when people use meditation and relaxation exercises to overcome anxiety attacks. They can calm themselves down and avert overwhelming anxiety. The mind is powerful. People who are experienced with this relaxation and meditation
swear by it.

The calm sensations of mothers who practice hypnobirthing seem to be passed on to their infants too. Their children are born to women who don’t have to use any drugs. Therefore, there are no harmful or sedating drugs pass through the placenta to the baby. Their infant’s entry into the world is natural, peaceful, and without trauma. Even mothers whose pregnancy is considered to be “high risk” can participate in hypnobirthing. Women who end up needing a cesarean can still apply the relaxation techniques, even if they are unable to have a completely natural birth. By using the hypnobirthing techniques, women voice that they experience less pain than patients who do not use these relaxation skills. After all, it is almost impossible to be relaxed and anxious at the same time.

Hypnobirthing is a true example of how the mind and body can work together to lessen or eliminate pain. It teaches mothers and their partners to trust their bodies and use their minds to relax. This helps to reduce pain, ease muscle tension, and relieve stress. The result is a calm, natural birth experience for both the mother and the baby. Hypnobirthing is a growing trend that frees millions of women and infants of the pain that has been traditionally experienced with childbirth. It also offers a drug-free birthing experience. This leads to minimal discomfort without the need for drugs and leads to a stress-free, confident, gentle, and calm birth.

FAQS About Hypnobirthing

  1. What is hypnobirthing and how does it differ from traditional childbirth methods?
  • Hypnobirthing is a birthing technique that focuses on relaxation and visualization to create a calm and peaceful birth environment. Unlike traditional childbirth methods, hypnobirthing emphasizes the power of the mind to reduce pain and stress during labor and delivery.
  1. Is hypnobirthing suitable for everyone, including those with high-risk pregnancies or those who may require medical interventions?
  • Yes, hypnobirthing can be practiced by women with all types of pregnancies, including those considered high-risk. Even if medical interventions are needed, such as a cesarean section, hypnobirthing techniques can still be applied to help reduce pain and anxiety during childbirth.
  1. Can partners participate in hypnobirthing, and how does their involvement contribute to the birthing experience?
  • Absolutely, partners play a crucial role in hypnobirthing. They are encouraged to learn the techniques alongside the mother-to-be and provide support during labor and delivery. By being familiar with hypnobirthing methods, partners can help create a supportive and calming atmosphere, enhancing the overall birthing experience for both mother and baby.
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